Channel: Micro and Small Enterprises Authority (MSEA)
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MSEA in collaboration with the Hand in Hand East Africa have come up with an accelerator program geared towards scaling up Micro and Small Enterprises. The project is funded by applied value group a global consulting and social impact group.

The objective of the project is to offer business development training, market linkages, access to credit and savings and job creation.

 MSEA role is identifying MSEs with potential to scale up as well as offer space to these MSEs in the Constituency Industrial Development Centres and worksites. As part of MSEs identification exercise, MSEA Embu region office in collaboration with  Embu Hand branch Hand in Hand team visited a few identified MSEs to get a better understanding of what they do and the gaps in their businesses.

The MSEs visited for the accelerator program included:-

  1. Abdallah Mbogo of Fix-T Ltd who deals with fermented tea value addition to produce a beverage referred to kombucha.
  • Faith Mbogo of Kikai foods Ltd who supports the banana value addition to produce banana flour and crisps.
  • Christine Wanja of Chanay Ltd  who supports mango and tamarind value addition and produces mango chutney and tamarind to tamarind sauce.
  • Charity wanjiru of hoftor Ltd supporting value addition of macadamia by drying and coating to bring out different flavours such as chocolate flavour, hot and sweet, honey glazed.
  • Job Muchangi of Kensam coffee who deals withvalue addition of coffee I.e grinding and packaging
  • Kabachi value addition association supporting mango value addition to mango jam and juice.

The MSEs were introduced to the accelerator program for apacity building support. The program will be piloted with a few MSEs at initial stages.

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